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Application Support Engineer

m/w/d, Waadt

For our client, a leading company in the Energy Sector in Lausanne, we are currently looking for an Application Support Engineer

Tasks and Responsibilities:

  • Develop and maintain small applications satisfying business requirements,

  • Ensure support of already developed applications, propose solutions to streamline/improve them

  • Help and advise users doing development themselves, by providing your expertise and by promoting best practices.

Your Profile:

  • Master’s degree in computer science, or equivalent

  • Very good knowledge of Excel and Excel VBA

  • Good knowledge of Python. Experience with Pandas appreciated.

  • Good experience on Software Engineering

  • Hands on experience with 1st or 2nd level support of Business-Critical Applications

  • Experience in Linux and Windows administration

  • Experience in writing SQL queries

  • Schematic, Java, AWS Cloud Services, Bash scripting, Full Stack development appreciated.

  • C#.NET, Selenium, Outlook VBA can be useful but not mandatory

  • Personality: able to work under pressure, result oriented, analytical mindset permitting to quickly identify, and fix issues encountered

  • Able to support a shift between in 7am and 6pm from our Lausanne office and flexible to stay late in case of exceptional issue.

  • Languages: Good English Skills, French and/or German a plus

Job Profil
  • Waadt
  • Contracting
  • ASAP - 6 Months - with extension
Samrawit Isaak

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Samrawit Isaak
Senior Talent Acquisition Consultant
+41 41 632 43 39


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