Scientist QC Raw Materials

m/w/d, Basel-Stadt

Our client, a leading pharmaceutical company, is seeking a Scientist QC Raw Materials to join their Quality Control team. In this role, you will perform incoming goods control testing of raw materials (Consumables, Excipients, Primary Packaging) to support drug product manufacturing. If you have GMP experience, strong analytical skills, and a background in chemistry or a related field, this could be the perfect opportunity for you.

Start date: ASAP
End date: 31.12.2025 (with extension opportunities)
Workload: 100%
Type of work: Contracting
Location: Basel


Key Responsibilities:

  • Review and report test results from external laboratories into the electronic system, assessing them against specifications
  • Conduct testing requirement assessments for raw materials following compendial and internal guidelines
  • Collaborate with external testing laboratories for investigations
  • Author and update specification sheets, reports, and SOPs
  • Compile and analyze data to support process improvement initiatives


Key Requirements:

  • Technician with 5+ years of pharmaceutical industry experience (preferably in raw materials) OR Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry or related field with 2-3 years of experience
  • Strong understanding of GMP regulations and analytical testing methods
  • Experience with spectroscopy techniques (Raman, NIR/FTIR) is a plus
  • Excellent problem-solving, communication, and teamwork skills


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Weitere offene Stellen gibt es hier:

Job Profil
  • Basel-Stadt
  • Contracting
  • ASAP (31.03.2025) - 31.12.2025 with extension opportunities
Florence Wespiser

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Florence Wespiser
Senior Talent Acquisition Consultant
+41 61 633 30 65


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