Exec­ut­ive Search

Lead­er­ship is a mind­set, not a position.

We understand the characteristics of modern leaders. New work has already entered the executive suite: it is neither a title nor authority that turn a person into a leader. Rather, leadership results from the ability to bring a vision to life and to empower others to participate in it. Attitude and personality make the difference – and an eye for innovation.

A boss has the title, a leader has the people.
– Simon Sinek

Our specialized headhunters know their market and the industry for many years – so we meet our executive search candidates at eye level. With discretion and empathy, we recruit senior executives and the leaders of tomorrow. 

We will connect you with the right leadership personality – one who thinks progressively and inspires your team towards the shared goals of the future.

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We will be happy to convince you of our Coopers quality and industry expertise in a personal conversation.

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It's all about our business manager in Bern! Her professional approach and her good networking do not simply provide us with skills and resources, but with personalities that suit our team. She does this fast, transparently and fairly. This is how I imagine long-term business relationships.

As a manufacturer of neurosurgical medical devices, Black Forest Medical has very high expectations of its employees. Coopers manages like no other agency to find candidates with a lot of know-how and experience, to arouse their interest and to inspire them for us. This results in provision of highly qualified candidates, which we would not have thought possible before. Our company values and our mission statement are always in focus when approaching applicants. Valuable impulses are also given for our own HR processes. I am happy to recommend Coopers to others, because not only the result, but above all the way there are central points of the process.

Coopers team, specifically Hassan and Saad are exceptional. They work at all levels of the organization so well. They are just superior in the level of customer service and care provided such that they can be an extension of the HR Team with full trust. Moreover, they have proven to our team, they can and do find terrific talent and they work relentlessly to find great talent, good culture fit in any discipline. They are an exceptional business and recruitment partner!

Talentor International: Cross-border recruiting projects

Since 2020, we are Talentor International's strategic partner in Switzerland. Talentor is an international network for executive search and recruiting, specialized in middle and senior management recruitment. The Talentor Group is represented in over 35 countries around the world. Coopers Group AG is the Swiss Talentor representative. With this partnership, we can leverage the local expertise of our trusted partners for recruiting projects in more than 35 countries on 4 continents.