Elena Jansky
Quality & Process Manager
Elena Jansky works as a Quality & Process Manager at Coopers Group AG. In her role she takes care of our internal processes and makes sure all quality requirements are met at all times.
Before joining Coopers she worked in a Swiss recruiting agency and she also worked in our recruiting department in the Bern office.
Funfacts about Elena
If Elena had a superpower, she would want to be invisible so she could do whatever she wants. Unfortunately, we don't know what exactly that is. But what we do know is that Elena would love to live by the ocean (together with her boyfriend and dog) and that she would ask a crystal ball to tell her whether this wish will come true one day. One of her favorite cities is the magical and diverse Istanbul. She generally loves to travel and is fond of art and architecture. Only at karaoke night you would probably look for Elena in vain; or maybe in the audience rather than on the stage.
A Cooper since:
5 years
German, English, French
+41 41 632 43 33