Michael Giaramita
Senior Key Account Manager IT
Michael Giaramita is Senior Key Account Manager IT at Coopers in Zurich. As such, he is responsible for establishing and maintaining client relationships. He supports their recruitment of IT specialists and advises them on External Workforce Management.
Prior to joining Coopers, Michael was a consultant with well-known international recruiting agencies as well as Key Account Manager for IT and telecommunication companies. After more than 10 years in the IT industry, he adds valuable know-how to our team. In addition, Michael completed the professional examination to become a federally certified sales manager alongside his job.
Funfacts about Michael
"I am quickly off to grab some food" would take on a whole new dimension if Michael had his desired superpower of teleportation and could beam himself in no time. Well, unfortunately that is not possible yet, leaving him with the option to either cook himself (he has not told us whether he enjoys that) or to fetch the food in a more classic way. There is a good chance that he would take the car because he wanted to be a stunt driver when he was a kid. As a child of the 80s he dreamed of jumping out of a fireball with a car. Things are not quite as wild around here, but Michael appreciates the variety and complexity of his job. He finds Bill Gates' book recommendations exciting and has recommended Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words by Randall Munroe to us. He does not play an instrument himself, but he likes to listen to music when he goes for a run or hits the gym. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, biking, or just relaxing with beer and wine (in that order) while having a nice barbecue.
A Cooper since:
2 years
IT & Engineering
German, English
+41 44 541 43 80