Zeynep Ucar
Talent Acquisition Consultant
Zeynep Ucar is a Talent Acquisition Consultant at Coopers iET AG in Zurich. Her focus is on the recruitment of IT specialists.
Zeynep has a Bachelor's degree in Sociology and Political Science from the University of Constance. She developed her passion for recruiting during an internship semester in human resources. After graduating, she started as a recruiter at a large recruiting agency in Zurich and gained her first experience in IT recruiting.
Funfacts about Zeynep
Zeynep's true happiness comes from her loved ones, namely her family and friends. They probably receive a lot of postcards, because Zeynep likes to discover new things while traveling, which is her favorite way to unwind. This does not only work in her favorite city Barcelona, where she enjoys the cool atmosphere and easy-going people. But also in South Korea, which is high up on her travel bucket list due to its culture and food; Zeynep loves sushi above all else! And coffee! Sounds like food too, but it isn't: her favorite podcast is Bratwurst and Baklava, which she recommends for a laugh. If she won the lottery, Zeynep would like to embark on a trip around the world and buy a house on the beach, a place to enjoy reading a (real, not an e-)book and life in general.
A Cooper since:
1 year
IT & Engineering
German, Turkish, English, Spanish
+41 44 485 44 66