Coopers World

Stra­tegic Part­ner­ship with Tal­entor International

16. April 2020

Even in these difficult times, we at Coopers are very busy. We are therefore particularly pleased to announce our partnership with Talentor International.

Talentor is an international network for executive search and recruiting, specializing in the recruitment of middle and senior management positions. The Talentor Group was founded in 2003 in Helsinki, Finland, has its headquarters in Vienna and is represented in 30 countries around the world. Coopers is now taking over Talentor's representation in Switzerland.

"With Talentor as a partner, we as a local Swiss company can benefit from an extensive global network of innovative and reliable recruitment professionals. Talentor's focus on transparency and integrity makes the network a perfect match for us – and for our clients." says Christian Biedermann, Managing Director.

This partnership means that we can offer our clients local expertise with trusted partners for global recruiting projects on 5 continents.

The combination of global reach, local presence and extensive practical knowledge makes Talentor a powerful partner. We are very excited about this collaboration!

Do you have questions about our new partnership with Talentor? We look forward to hearing from you at any time – via email, phone or social media!

Your Coopers Team