ICT Application Manager

m/w/d, Zürich

For our client in Zurich, we are looking for an experienced, motivated ICT Application Manager- Microsoft technologies.

Your responsibilities:

  • Manage Microsoft applications on the global tenant, ensuring smooth operation
  • Coordinate with internal and external IT specialists across all business units
  • Lead design and implementation of features and upgrades for user-friendliness and process automation
  • Act as the primary contact for application improvement requests
  • Create and maintain English-language documentation
  • Conduct online training for users and team leaders
  • Perform IT system audits to ensure compliance with security and data protection standards
  • Publish an annual IT security report
  • Maintain relationships with stakeholders and IT partners
  • Substitute for first-level IT support during vacations or emergencies
  • Define and coordinate SLAs for local IT infrastructure
  • Manage and control ICT budgets for the Swiss entity and global Microsoft licenses
  • Oversee ICT support staffing


Your profile:

  • 3+ years of experience in ICT application management, ideally in an international SME environment
  • Strong knowledge of MS Power Apps (Power BI, Flow), Azure, SQL, SharePoint, and Teams
  • Experience with ERP systems, particularly with interfaces such as EDI and APIs
  • Practical experience with MS 365, Dynamics 365 Sales, Abacus, and Pimcore
  • Strong project management skills and the ability to communicate with both technical and non-technical staff and external vendors
  • Team-oriented, independent, and solution-driven work approach
  • Willingness to travel
  • Excellent English skills (both spoken and written), German skills are a plus

Das klingt nach einer spannenden Position?
Dann freuen wir uns über vollständige Bewerbungsunterlagen per Onlineformular.

Bei Bewerbungen per E-Mail erklärt sich der Sender respektive die Senderin damit einverstanden, dass die übermittelten Daten unter Berücksichtigung unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie verwendet werden.

Weitere offene Stellen gibt es hier: coopers.ch

Job Profil
  • IT - Software Engineering
  • Zürich
  • Contracting
  • Teilzeit, 80-100%
  • ASAP - 6+ months
  • Microsoft Windows, Power BI, Azure, SQL, Sharepoint, teams, ERP, Microsoft Dynamics
Job Benefits
  • Arbeitslaptop
  • Coopers Care
  • Du-Kultur

Klingt interessant?
Einfach „Jetzt bewerben“ klicken, dann melde ich mich.

Samira Eymany
Talent Acquisition Consultant
+41 44 485 44 94


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