Process Engineer

m/f/d, Wallis

We are seeking a Process Engineer with a first experience. 

Your responsibilities

  • Develops, enhances, and implements systems that increase efficiency and optimize all phases of service or production processes, from design to manufacturing.
  • Oversees process design projects, and ensures the efficient and safe functioning of all the processes related to producing a product, substance, or service.
  • Designs processes and equipment related to the development and commercialization of products or services that are cost effective and in keeping with a given budget.
  • Evaluates existing processes, suggests measures for improvement, and configures manufacturing systems to reduce cost, improve sustainability, boost productivity, quality, and profitability, and develop best practices within the production process.
  • Implements methods and process designs, creates prototypes, tests, and makes necessary modifications where required.


Your background

  • 3-5 years experience in similar role

Sounds like a great job?
Then we look forward to receiving your complete application documents through our online application form.

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Find more vacancies at:

Job Profil
  • Life Sciences - Engineering
  • Wallis
  • Contracting
  • Vollzeit
  • Drug Manufacturing, Process
Larissa Birkle

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Larissa Birkle
Talent Acquisition Consultant
+41 41 632 30 67


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