Samrawit Isaak

Samrawit Isaak

Senior Talent Acquisition Consultant

Samrawit Isaak is Talent Acquisition Consultant at Coopers Group AG. She supports the Coopers Engineering team in the recruitment of eIT & Engineering specialists and experts.

Samrawit holds a bachelor's in international management and majored in marketing & communication. She adds a lot of knowledge to the team. During her studies as well as afterwards, she worked as international executive researcher at several agencies in Switzerland. Moreover, during an internship at a Swiss pharmaceutical company she gained insights into HR marketing.

Funfacts about Samrawit

If Samrawit, as we all call her, could wish for a superpower, she would love to be able to read other people's minds – that would also be a priceless gimmick in recruiting. Her hobbies combine perfectly, as she loves music and sports. She likes to go to the gym. That's how she keeps fit and finds inner peace and relaxation at the same time. 

A Cooper since:
4 years

IT & Engineering, Finance

German, English, Tigrinya


+41 41 632 43 39