Viviane Hägler
Key Account Manager
Viviane Hägler works as Key Account Manager at Coopers iET AG in Zurich. She closely works with our clients to matching them IT specialists and executives.
Funfacts about Viviane
Beaming, to a client meeting, to have a short break at the beach, to ride the sunny slopes or to anywhere her heart desires, that would be the greatest superpower for Viviane. With that skill, she could easy-peasy get to the Maldives, too, where she dreams of going diving and surfing. As a child, however, Viviane wanted to go up rather than down – climbing was a favorite hobby from early on and she wanted to become a window cleaner in NYC or an Eiffel Tower painter in Paris. She is still active and always on the go, with numerous hobbies ranging from visiting museums and concerts to meeting friends, reading, meditating, and doing sport, she certainly never gets bored. Upwards is also the trend of Viviane's career, surely a result of her positive attitude to life; she is inspired by books such as The Almanack by Naval Ravikant. She has a beautiful motto for life: Success is when I have arranged my life in such a way that I cannot wait to get up each morning. Viviane's culinary highlights and on the menu for guests include plenty of apéro, a delicious pasta dish, and some chocolate for dessert; top essentials, that leave us hoping to make it to the her guest list one day.
A Cooper since:
2 years
IT & Engineering
German, English
+41 44 485 44 97