Shanker Bhanot

Shanker Bhanot

Senior Key Account Manager

Shanker works as Senior Key Account Manager at Coopers in the Life Sciences team. He supports both candidates and clients throughout the entire recruiting process.

Shanker, who is originally from London, GB, moved to Basel in 2022. He has an educational background in Marketing and contributes a lot of recruiting expertise to our team, since he worked in Life Science recruitment for more than seven years.

Funfacts about Shanker

“Because maybeee…” would you hear Shanker singing if today was karaoke night, for which he would pick Wonderwall from Oasis. A classic! A not so classic yet amazing superpower he would chose: manipulating time. Then he could go back in time to bet successfully on sports events, go forward in time whenever he is too impatient to waite and, the best reason, he could play some jokes with friends by stopping time and putting them in funny positions. Stopping time for a brief moment would also be nice when fulfilling his dream of travelling to Argentina to party in Buenos Aires and hike in Patagonia. Shanker’s book recommendation is Shantaram, a captivating story based on true events. And his motto that guides him through his life is to not ever look down on somebody unless it is to help them up.

A Cooper since:
2 years

Life Sciences

English, Punjabi


+41 61 638 38 49