5 Minutes with Sabine Meier – A Woman Working in IT
Sabine Meier started working as a System Analyst at the UBS, then as a Network Administrator for the Zurich Cantonal Bank and today, she works in the Testing Team for the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. Find out in this interview why she prefers to work with men and why IT fascinates her.
Coopers: It is a cliché that girls are better at languages and boys are better at maths at school, was this true for you too?
Sabine Meier: The exact opposite! I was much better at maths than German, which was our main language. However, I always enjoyed learning foreign languages. For many years now you have been working in IT.
Can you tell me a little about your current job?
I am in the Testing Team at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. We are currently migrating to Windows 10 and testing all programs in the new environment.
Do you prefer working with men or women?
I much prefer working with men. When women work together everything is competitive. Usually, it is all about who has the latest handbag or who is dressed more fashionably. Men are a lot more practical, to them, style is not so important, they prefer discussing the matter at hand directly.
Not only are you working in IT, you work with complex IT systems. What do you like specifically about these tasks?
I really like the way technology changes all the time. My problem is that I get bored quickly and that can never happen to me if I stay working in IT. I am forced to learn all about each new operating systems because I work with servers. All the information I learned in Microsoft courses a few years ago about old operating systems is no longer relevant. I could just press "delete" in my memory and it wouldn't even matter that I would lose all this information.
Is it an advantage working as a woman in IT?
My colleagues are familiar with my skills, so it is neither an advantage nor a disadvantage. However, when I am on the phone to suppliers who do not know me I am often treated as an "ignorant woman". It often happens that they start explaining things to me and I have to interrupt them and tell them that they are speaking to a computer scientist and can continue speaking technical jargon.
Are you a member of any women organisations?
Yes, in fact, I am in more than one. I am in the "Verband Frauenunternehmen" (Women's Association) which is not only for women in technical jobs but in the business world in general. I made some great contacts there, which was particularly useful when I started my own company. It was great speaking to women who were in a similar situation. I am also a member of the non-profit organisation Swiss Soroptimist, which supports women and girls with the help of a global network. And I am also a member of the Swiss ICT and the "Kaufmännische Verband Schweiz".
Outside of work do you do things that would be a cliché for men like play computer games and eat pizza or do you do follow the cliché of women and go shopping and paint your nails?
Neither! I like spending time in my garden, that is why my nails are always short. I would rather do nothing than waste my time gaming! My biggest hobby is online shopping. I literally buy everything online.
Can we ask you a few questions we ask all our interviewees?
Of course.
Mac or PC?
PC, but I have both. For work, I use Microsoft more.
My favourite app is...
LeShop for Migros products.
Which three things would you take with you on a deserted island?
1) My partner.
2) Seeds for growing vegetables so that I have something to sew and to eat.
3) No computer!
Please complete this sentence: "I love working in IT because...
... it constantly changes."
Thank you for your time, Sabine Meier.

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