Coopers World

Coopers Team Meet­ing 2024

Coopers Spir­it on Lake Zurich

Elena D Cruz

from Dr. Elena D’Cruz
04. September 2024

Group photo of our team in shorts and black Coopers shirt in front of Lake Zurich, lots of smiling faces

Last Friday, we met for a very special team event – and what a day it was! From presentations in the meeting room to an action-packed dragon boat race to a laid-back wind-down by the lake: the day was filled with highlights and strengthened our team spirit once again.

Part 1: Team Meeting and Business Updates

Our event started with the monthly team meeting, where all colleagues came together. For us, the monthly team meeting with the entire team is extremely valuable because it brings everyone up-to-date on current projects across all departments. It also provides a space for exchange and inspiring ideas about next steps. This monthly routine is a fundamental pillar of our strong culture. With a slide show and confetti canons, we celebrated Kitti's ten-year anniversary and David and Linda's five-year anniversaries. And on her last day after seven years at Coopers, we bid a sad farewell to Bettina, who is returning to procurement. But as we always say: once a Cooper, always a Cooper! All in all, the team meeting was the perfect start to the day!

Part 2: Dragon Boat Race on Lake Zurich

After the meeting and lunch, we headed out for some fresh air – straight to Lake Zurich. Or rather on Lake Zurich. This is where the next highlight was waiting for us: a dragon boat race! The teams were a mixed bunch, and it quickly became clear that it was not just about speed, but also about teamwork and coordination. Every paddle stroke had to be right, and the calls of our drummers spurred us on to give it our all. (By the way, all three dragon boats were drummed by women.) Smiling faces, fun, and a good dash of competition – the race was a great opportunity to master new challenges together as a team. And cooling off in Lake Zurich was simply fantastic given those summer temperatures.

Part 3: Relaxing Apéro Hours on Lake Zurich

After the tough race and a short break to catch our breath, we gathered for a relaxed apéro on the shores of Lake Zurich. With some delicious snacks and drinks, we recapped the day and enjoyed the beautiful weather, as well as the relaxed atmosphere. The air was filled with laughter and good mood as we enjoyed the magnificent view over the lake.

The Evening Continues
After the apéro, several smaller groups moved on – some stayed in Zurich, others returned to Basel or made their way home after an exciting summer's day. Everyone found their own way to wind down at the end of the day, and it was nice to see how flexible and easily our team went out together even after such an eventful day.

Conclusion: Coopers Rocks!

Our team event was a huge success and showed us once again how strong we are as a team. Be it in the meeting room, on the water, or at the apéro – it was a day full of laughter, team spirit and valuable interaction. The pictures in the gallery below reflect this perfectly.

Many thanks to everyone who joined us and made this day so special!

Special thanks to Chris and Denise for inviting us on this day. Our organizing talent Irina made it all happen, thank you very much! We would also like to thank memox for the fancy venue, the dragon boat team, and our hosts at Hafen Enge Beiz.

Now off to new adventures!
How about taking your career to the next level!
Get in touch, we look forward to it.

Your Coopers Family