Andrea Leitl

HR Specialist

Andrea works as an HR Specialist in the Coopers Operations team and is responsible for the Coopers Group's supplier management. She also supports the HR administration, quality assurance, and project implementations.

Her Master's degree in International Management at Vlerick Business School took her to Belgium, Sweden, Honduras and the USA, where she gained valuable project experience. After a stint in management consultancy in Brussels, she returned to Switzerland and to us. She already worked with iET in accounting and HR during her bachelor's degree at ZHAW and now brings her international and consulting experience to us.

Funfacts about Andrea

Should Andrea ever pull up to work in a tractor, we should not be surprised. After all, she did used it regularly to get to school ( which is still something people talk about in her hometown). For her childhood dream, however, the tractor was not quite right: she wanted to explore the big wide world. So, she swapped it for planes, boats, and more, traveled far and wide, and – quote – experienced indescribable beauty. One of her favorite places to be: underwater! Whether it is sharks swimming by majestically, dolphins dancing playfully, or – a breathtaking moment – floating in a sparkling ocean of bioluminescence, then she is in her element. You will not see her much in the opposite direction as she is afraid of heights  – yet, she powered through a skydiving jump like a champ (chapeau!). Andrea has a big heart, believes in the good in people, and could not imagine a life without nature and animals around her – especially not without her cat Lia, who has been her faithful companion for the past decade.

A Cooper since:
1 year


Deutsch, Englisch, Spanish


+41 44 485 44 68