6 Tips for a Successful Job Interview
If you dress smartly, ask honest questions and smile, then you’re sure to leave a good impression at your job interview. Recruiters like us have learned a lot about job interviews over the years and would like to share some of our knowledge with you.
Here are our six top tips on how to succeed at a job interview:
1. Dress for success: Ask your contact person what to wear as he or she knows the company and the interview partner best. If in doubt it’s better to go overdressed.
2. Be on time: Take your time and plan the journey to the company carefully. Being late is such an easy mistake to avoid, and it would be such a shame to miss a good job opportunity just by being late, right?
3. Make a good first impression: Be polite and smile ;-) … and if you remember the full name of your interview partner too, you’ll be a winner!
4. Body language: Did you know that body language is a large part of communication? Check out our 5 tips to improve nonverbal communication in section 4.
5. Ask questions and show enthusiasm: At the end of the job interview you will have the opportunity to ask questions. We recommend that you do this! Honest curiosity for a job is great.
6. How to handle the money issue: We recommend that you consider the whole package and not purely your salary. Sometimes bonuses and complementary insurances are included too. Feel free to mention your current salary, but note that unfortunately the days are gone where you receive 20-25% more in your new position compared to your previous job.
In our Interview Preparation Kit you will find more information on how to perform at a job interview.
We hope we have could help you with these tips, feel free to share this information on all your social media channels.
Good luck for all your future job interviews!
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