
Slide with the title 'AI in the Workplace: Survival of the Fittest or Opportunity for All?' in bold black and blue text. The background is white with a blue network-like graphic on the upper right corner, symbolizing AI connections.

AI in the Workplace

Survival of the Fittest in today’s job market: Those who adapt benefit the most from AI.

People at a networking event.

Networking 101: How to Network Successfully

A strong network opens doors - especially for contractors and contingent workers. Find out what networking strategies really work and how to build valuable connections. 

A table from above with many people working on laptops.

Top 5 Recruiting Trends

Discover the top 5 recruiting trends. We are happy to offer individual and personal advice. 

Coopers: Recruiting in Bern: Coopers Group AG is your strong partner

Coopers Bern

Recruitment in Bern: We support you with recruitment, contracting, executive search, project recruiting and more.

Proximity Bias

Proximity Bias

Part 3 of the Coopers Blog Series on Unconscious Biases

Timeboxing: Make the most of your limited time


A Simple Yet Effective Time Management Method

Affinity Bias

Affinity Bias

Part 1 of the Coopers Blog Series on Unconscious Biases

Using Career Networks Properly

Social networks play a central role not only in our leisure time, but also in our jobs. Xing and LinkedIn, so-called ...

Megatrend - Gender Shift

With the dissolution of traditional gender roles, massive upheavals are taking place in the professional and private ...