Megatrend — Gender Shift
With the dissolution of traditional gender roles, massive upheavals are taking place in the professional and private lives of men and women, bringing with them great opportunities. Women occupy leading positions, while men claim their right to time with their families. New men and women find their life balance in professional realization and in relationship and family models away from the old father-mother-child constellation. Megatrends such as gender shift need not be "predicted", because they are already there and mark changes that have shaped us for a long time and will continue to do so for a long time to come.
The Gender Shift is taking place all over the world. It is a "global shift" that is not limited to the western world. In Switzerland, there has long been a discussion about what actually makes a good father and how men can combine child and career. As a result of this discussion, on September 27th, the Swiss people can now vote on whether the statutory paternity leave should be set at two weeks. Lifeworlds and working environments are transforming, new opportunities for the individual are opening up, new markets for the economy. Everywhere in the world.
Generation Y, the shortage of skilled workers and digitization are changing the way we lead, decide and work together in organizations - and they are leading to comprehensive changes that are challenging old structures. To be prepared for this future, it is important that organizations assemble their workforce in the best possible way - regardless of gender or origin. Healthy diversity and the identification of the best applicants and talents have a major impact on this.
The demand for a better balance between work and family life, which has been increased by the gender shift, is forcing the older generation of managers in particular to rethink. While they are usually still used to having a housewife at their side, the younger generation places more value on good working conditions than on high salaries and important sounding titles. The two-earner household with shared responsibilities replaces the model of the male breadwinner.
The clever combination of private and professional life, e.g. through home office models and mobile office solutions, should become the big task of the coming years. The Corona pandemic has accelerated this development considerably. Instead of continuing to convulsively attempt a balancing act between two seemingly separate worlds, work-life blending stands for a new approach to reconciliation, in which employers and employees find solutions to compensate for the increasing burden of business and professional demands.
Thanks to the gender debate, young people with a higher level of education in particular are already no longer seeing the classic role models.
In future, gender will no longer determine who has power in society and who does not. The goal of society and, above all, the world of work is a system in which individual performance determines what position the individual is in - and not his or her body or sexual preferences.
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