
«Work­ing Moms»

12. June 2020

In times of corona and home office, many learned what it means to juggle family, job, and household and to do justice to everything as much as possible. A challenge that working mothers - often referred to as "working moms" - already know anyway.

Many working moms also work for us. Most of them work part-time and in different working time models. We at Coopers live New Work!
Our core values - innovation, flexibility and humanity - coincide with the central points of New Work: We encourage creative problem solving, we are agile and just like New Work, we put the humanity of each individual at the forefront of our work!

Some managers are afraid to hire working mothers. Fear of prejudice that mothers are often distracted, lack sleep, or have many absences due to their own children.
But working mothers bring many great qualities with them.
For example, mothers are very good at prioritizing. Many mothers also must do this at home and can therefore do it very well at work.
Just as they have learned to be flexible. This affects the whole team because everyone should be flexible.
But most important is communication. Because flexibility requires a high degree of communication within a team. It must be clearly communicated what is done and when; if this is the case, processes and teamwork become more efficient and easier. It is important that the constant and open communication must apply to everyone in the team, not just parents/mothers.

Studies have shown that open and honest communication is also valued when hiring mothers. Mothers should also not be afraid of a break after the birth of the child.
Almost half (49%) of hiring managers say that they would hire a working mother who has taken a career break because she is likely to be hard-working, has strong time management skills (37%) and patience (30%).
When it comes to addressing a career break during a job interview, nearly 60% (58%) of HR managers believe that parents should highlight any career breaks in their CVs and proactively share the value of such time off.

Therefore, our career tip for mothers: Highlight the career break; and emphasize what they have learned as a mother and how this will help them to progress as an employee.

Working moms do not have it easy, but they are top workers and should be considered as such. We at Coopers show that this works very well and enriches our team and the company.

If you would like to learn more about this topic, we can recommend this blog.

Your Coopers Team