
Talentor International Leaders4Tomorrow
Coopers has been a partner of Talentor International since 2020 and thus supports recruiting projects in over 35 countries. The Leaders4Tomorrow programme promotes young leadership talent in the recruitment industry. Find out more in the interview with Nevin Schuler.

The First Generation of a Digital Workforce
Mini blog series:Part 1 presents key findings from the Microsoft Work Trend Index. We discuss the status quo of our ...

Why Manhole Covers Are Always Round
You are in a room with three light switches, each of which operates one of three light bulbs in the next room. You have ...

Agility and Agile Recruiting
Agility – anyone who is anyone works in an agile manner. Daily status meetings take place standing up, neon-colored ...

Recruitment Marketing: Definition, Tips & Tools
In traditional marketing, every behavior requires some arousal. These activating processes should be triggered by ...

RPO and MSP – What exactly is that? Our Recruitment Models at a Glance
Due to the Corona crisis, companies cut numerous jobs. But does that mean the end of the skills shortage? No, we are ...

5 Tips for Successful Remote Onboarding
How exciting, a job transition is up! New employer, new tasks, new team, a new stage in life. But what happens when you ...

Hybrid Teams – the Future Work Style
"Separated as a team since more than a year – but still, everyone keeps on going" wrote a colleague in an email. So true ...
Change Leadership
Success in a team begins with the management style. In order to meet the demands and expectations of employees in the ...
Employer Branding: How to Turn from Employer into Brand
Are you and your company a cool employer where people would love to work? Especially young people? How do others ...

7 Tips for Successful Smalltalk
Hello, how are you? The classic start of small talk. Followed by an exchange of everyone's mood and usually a (brief) ...
Gamification for your Business – Gamified Leadership
Using fun and game elements to steer human behaviour in a desired direction – that is the goal of Gamification! It ...
The Right Office Food
We all know that we should eat five portions of fruit and veg a day, right? But do we really do it? Every day? In the ...
IT Recruiters – A Great Investment
Staffing for IT has become a lot more complicated in recent years. There's a surplus of IT workers on the market, but ...
5 Minutes with Young Manager: Mischa Kaufmann
At the age of 27 Mischa Kaufmann was Head of Infrastructure Operations at the Swatch Group and lead a team of 15 people. ...
How Digital Natives Choose Their Employers
The generation that has grown up with the Internet is called “digital natives”. These youngsters are now coming of age ...
6 Ways to Increase Employee Retention and Engagement
What makes an employee decide it’s time to move on? Does it happen on a whim, a random light-bulb moment where they ...