
How To Find My Dream Job

12. August 2020

If the current job doesn't suit you, you will quickly become unhappy. But how do you find the right one?

Get out of the office, switch off your work cell phone, mentally erase everything that has happened in the last eight hours - finally quitting work, finally back in life - of course only until the alarm clock goes off again tomorrow morning. Does this train of thought look familiar to you? You're not alone, because many people who are dissatisfied with their choice of job will eventually end up with this mindset. Life and happiness now only take place on weekends and holidays. At least eight hours a day, usually five days a week, is torture. The best way to become permanently unhappy.

Almost every fourth employee (24 percent) is so dissatisfied with his job that he has already quit. The widespread dissatisfaction at work has consequences: health-related for the employee - and economic for the employer. As various studies show, it is clear that those who do not feel emotionally tied to their company show less initiative, motivation and sense of responsibility - and are sick more often.
Nevertheless: Very few dissatisfied people look for a new job. Many would like to - but they do not know how. Out of fear of the new and economic constraints. Many people reach this low point in their jobs between the ages of 35 and 45, i.e. in the prime of their lives. Behind this is a state in which people no longer see any sense in what they are doing. Sure, you get up in the morning, drive to work and slave away for a few hours on your hamster wheel, only to go home in the evening completely exhausted. But without a sense of fulfillment.

But there are other ways. If things go well, we can draw a lot of life energy from our job and realize ourselves. And it doesn't necessarily depend on the type of job.

As Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey's mentor, put it, "Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." So it's not the job or the person, it's simply the fit between these two poles.
There are various approaches to finding out which profession fits which person, but the most important thing when looking for a job is self-reflection.

So the best thing to do is to first think about where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Then you should change your question - not "How do I find a job?" is the decisive question, but rather "What do I have to offer a company? This way you may discover career opportunities that you have not considered before.
The following tips can help you with your considerations:

Find something you can do with conviction, something you're passionate about. Not everyone can turn their hobby into a career, that's for sure. Nevertheless, you should not have a feeling of alienation and "having to" every day. Your job has to appeal to you; it has to make sense to you personally.

Use your social network. More and more people are finding jobs through their social environment. Also keep an eye on the social networks on the Internet, because this is another way to find full- or part-time jobs.

Do not limit yourself geographically. If you can't find a suitable job in your region, you should expand your search environment. Your dream job may require commuting to another city - but if it's worth it to fulfill your career plans, it's definitely worth it.

Of course we hope you are happy in your job and don't need our tips. If you do and you need more tips, you are very welcome to contact us. Or maybe you like one of our current vacancies!

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