Coopers World

7x in a Row: Coopers Among Best Recruit­ers in Switzerland 

Sur­vey by Han­delszei­tung, PME & Statista

Elena D Cruz

from Dr. Elena D’Cruz
28. March 2024

7x in a Row: Coopers Among Best Recruiting Agencies in Switzerland

Coopers is one of the best recruiting agencies in Switzerland in 2024!
For the seventh time in a row!

The continuity of this award both delights and reassures us. It is based on an independent online survey conducted by Handelszeitung, PME, and Statista that reached out to more than 7000 participants. Market feedback like this is a valuable assurance to us that we are on the right track, and that this path is a sustainable one.

In all categories – Executive Search, Professional Search (Permanent) & Contracting – we achieved a full score of 5/5.

Successes like this can only be achieved as a team. Being one of the best recruiters in Switzerland seven years in a row comes down to the performance of each individual Cooper. Recruiting is our passion and we are genuinely interested in the people we work with and their needs – be it on the client or candidate side. The renewed recognition reflects the value of this for everyone involved.

We would like to take this opportunity to say a heartfelt thank you to our unique team! You make the Coopers Family what it is – a place where working is fun, colleagues become friends and recruiting is what it should be – a people business.

Our thanks also goes to all external stakeholders who work with us and continually place their trust in us. We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with you and look forward to many more years of successful partnerships.

Motivated, we now continue to work towards being one of the best recruiters in Switzerland next year, too, for the 8th time in a row.

Your Coopers Family


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Christian Biedermann is happy to have an informal chat.

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