Refer a Friend
Refer a Friend
Recruiting is a people business - and personal recommendations play a key role in this.
Refer a Friend
Use our Coopers referral program Refer a Friend to help people from your network and to receive a reward for it.
Refer a Friend
Refer a Friend – Receive a reward for a successful recommendation in our Coopers referral program.
Refer a Friend
Refer a Friend – Receive a reward for a successful recommendation in our Coopers referral program.
Coopers Referral Program
Coopers Referral Program: Your personal recommendation is invaluable to us.
Recent Coopers Referral Program: Culinary Cruise on Lake Lucern
Recent Coopers Referral Program: Culinary Cruise on Lake Lucern.
Recent Coopers Referral Program: A Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
Coopers Referral Program: Eine Fahrt mit dem Heissluftballon
Again: Coopers Referral Program Reward for Mugunthan Maheswaran
Mugunthan once again recommended a person from his network for an open position. She got the job, he got a voucher for Galaxus.
Coopers Referral Program Reward for Mugunthan Maheswaran
We are always happy when a vacancy gets filled through a lead. In this case, we got to rely on the network of our ...
Current Coopers Referral Program
New year, new referral program! The current Corona situation makes it hard to travel, to enjoy weekend trips and the ...