
The Chal­lenge of IT Recruiting

10. November 2016

How demanding is IT Recruiting these days? Mathias Bösiger has written a report on this topic in the current issue of the Swiss IT Magazine. Here is a summary, which could be of particular interest to IT Specialists and to IT recruiters alike.

Combined search makes sense
The report shows that candidates potentially have better chances to gain employment if they use a combination of available methodologies like job adverts and social media platforms such as XING and LinkedIn. Personal contacts are a great means for jobhunting too. The published chart showed that 55% of people interviewed stated that personal contacts was their most-used recruiting channel.

Jobhunting goes mobile
The report showed that nearly half of the visitors of big job websites accessed the site via their mobile phone. In addition to this Prospective Media’s trend report also showed that jobhunting via smartphone is becoming increasingly popular.

Swiss IT-Recruiters
In another article the Swiss IT Magazine conducted a survey of 17 Swiss IT recruiting agencies. We were included in this survey and it was our pleasure to contribute.

In the report entitled “Companies are outsourcing the search for IT Specialists” by Michel Vogel it turned out that the demand for IT-Specialists on the market may be higher than it seems. The Managing Director of one recruiting agency said that even though there are many job advertisements out there, some of these are from companies, who just want to see what resources are available.

The demand for traditional ICT-positions is diminishing due to the continuous increase of outsourcing. Our Managing Director Christian Biedermann adds: “Currently many large international companies show a trend towards Nearshoring to Eastern Europe. Primarily jobs in the IT Operations are affected. However, the strategic Management Positions mostly remain in Switzerland.”

Opinions regarding the time it takes to find the right candidate for a job differed. Coopers has proved to deliver quality candidates within 72 hours, this makes them one of fastest deliverers amongst the questioned recruiting agencies.

Read the report “The Challenge of IT Recruiting” (Herausforderung IT-Recruiting) in German on or buy the current November issue to see an overview of all 17 Swiss IT Recruiting companies.