
5 minutes with Coopers Seni­or Con­sult­ant Robert Stanislawek

28. January 2019

More and more great and competent employees join our Coopers Team which makes us very happy. That's why we'd like to introduce our team more closely on the blog.
Robert Stanislawek was the first one to join the Coopers Team after the founders Christian Biedermann and Denise Stuker and lived through all the changes that happened since.

Why did you decide to become a recruiter?
I never dreamed of becoming a recruiter as a little kid. Like most best things in life it just happened. Back in the days I was recruited myself by an English agency to work for them. I accepted the offer and I've been a recruiter with heart and soul ever since.

How did the world of recruiting change since your first job?
When I started working 18 years ago, we only had a phone. We had this Twixtel CD and we started at the letter A with our cold calls. You might think everything is easier today with LinkedIn, Xing and so forth, but I wouldn't agree. You had people on the phone a lot quicker than today. They had no idea who was calling, it could have been the boss or the wife, so you had to pick up the phone to know who the caller was. Today "anonymous caller" appears on the display and people don't pick up.

What do you like about this job?
It's the variety that makes it special. We get to know a lot of people and everyone has his own life story. Another perk is that I don't spend my whole day in the office but I'm on the road as well, visiting clients.

Why do you like working for Coopers?
I'm convinced that in this industry small agencies are qualitatively better. Coopers is more personal, flexible and faster than a big agency which has to follow strict processes. We can cater to individual requests which means a lot to me.

Can you give an example?
I work a lot with people from England, who move to Switzerland for their new job. I don't see my work as done when the contract is signed. We go a step further at Coopers and offer an all-inclusive service. We pick them up at the airport, accompany them to the meeting with a bank clerk, visit them at their workplace and they know they can always come to us if they have a question. This way they can concentrate on their job while we help them with administrative tasks.

You're commuting from Zurich to Basel daily. Isn't this stressful?
I'd do everything for the right firm and the right job. I like working in Basel, the city is more relaxed and less crowded than Zurich. But I couldn't live in Basel, I'd miss the lake too much.

At the end of the interview, can we ask you a few unconventional questions, which we ask all our Coopers blog interviewees?

Mac or PC?

My favourite mobile app is:
I don't have one. I'm not a fan of apps. I only use the SBB app and the 20 Minutes app, that's all.

Which three things would you take with you to a desert island?
1. A crate of beer
2. My bathing suit
3. A book

Complete this sentence please: "I love working in IT because..."
"...I enjoy the variety."

Thank you very much, Robert Stanislawek.