The Coopers Tips For a Good Presentation
Being able to give good lectures is an essential prerequisite for success in your job and studies. The right presentation techniques are essential. Pupils and students need appropriate skills just as much as job starters in job interviews or "old hands" in management. We show you how to give exciting presentations and how to manage excitement and fear.
For some it is the absolute horror to finally have the opportunity to present yourself. Nowadays, presentations belong to practically every job. So, it is important to already have the necessary basic knowledge. Many large companies expect their interns and employees to be able to create good presentations, but also to be able to give them. For this reason, it can't hurt to work on a good presentation at an early stage and keep an eye on the details. Because that is exactly what counts.
The most important thing in a presentation is not only the content itself, but also the way it is packaged. If you want to anchor the content of a presentation in the minds of your audience, you shouldn't just present a long list of key points, but a coherent narrative. Build up a tension. Don't present the crucial facts right at the beginning: if you anticipate the most important things, why should people continue to listen to you? Think of a common thread that runs through your presentation. Make it clear to people that the most interesting facts are yet to come. Especially with lots of numbers and data, there is a risk that people will lose interest in your presentation. In this case, use diagrams instead of long tables or use infographics instead of long enumerations. Mind maps can also be good alternatives. However, the same applies here: less is more. If your presentation consists only of pictures and graphics, you can quickly lose credibility. Therefore, only use your visualizations at places in your presentation where they actually make sense.
Even with longer presentations you should not make the mistake of filling your presentation with a lot of unnecessary facts. It should only concentrate on the most important things. It is better to present ten good minutes than 30 boring ones!
A particularly crucial point in your presentation is the audience. Therefore, when preparing your presentation, you should always think about who you want to address with your speech. Basically, if you want to convince the audience of your presentation and yourself, you should give them added value. For this reason, your presentation should be placed in a larger context that is comprehensible to the audience.
The end of your presentation is also an important point. To make sure your audience remembers you well, you should end your presentation with a good conclusion. This will ensure that they will remember the most important information.
Of course, not every lecture or presentation can be perfect. The good thing about it: it doesn't have to be. You learn from your mistakes and this also applies to presentations.
So, now you are hopefully ready for the next presentation.
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