
Kick­start Your IT Career With These 8 Tips

21. August 2017

Do you like solving problems and experimenting? Do you enjoy working independently? Are you good at motivating yourself? Then IT could be the ideal field for you to work in. These 8 tips may help you kickstart your IT career.

Network, network, network
If you are looking for a new job networking is key. If you know which areas of IT you are interested in, then why not visit a few related events? For example, if you like programming you could take part at the Hackzurich (15-17 September 2017) to meet people from the industry who are already working as System Administrators, IT Supporters, or IT Security Engineers. You could join groups in your interest field online too, for example on LinkedIn and XING. Maybe they even have networking events that you could take part in. In our recent blog post Your perfect LinkedIn Profile – 10 Great Tips we have more information on this topic for you.

Prove that you have experience
It is important to put apprenticeships, work-related projects, or charity work on your CV, especially for anyone who has just completed their higher education and is looking for a job. The irony is, that employers often require experience, even if someone is looking for their first job.

Be enthusiastic
An employer will like it if a young candidate shows real enthusiasm for technology. Don't be afraid to do so! Everyone who works in IT is passionate about technology. If you regularly visit tech-related events or are actively involved in a technology related group then don't be afraid to mention this on your CV.

Tips for your CV
One page is the ideal length for a CV of someone who has just completed their higher education. Extra tip: Choose the filename carefully. Instead of choosing "MyCV" for example you could write "FirstNameLastName_SoftwareEngineer".

Create a professional E-Mail address
Sometimes simple things like an e-mail address could be the reason you don't hear from the human resources department. Usually e-mail addresses with "funny nicknames" don't receive feedback. It doesn't take long to create a professional e-mail address with your first name and last name. The other e-mail address can, of course, be kept for private use.

Big companies often want proof of certain technical skills. If you have some time while you're jobhunting, this could be an ideal time to complete a few certificates. Many of them you can do online easily from home.

Stay flexible
This is particularly important when you are looking for your first job. Search broadly and be open to new challenges. If you are even open to moving to a new city or commuting a little further, you'll have more chances of getting a job.

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